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App Gift Card

This gift card is available to purchase until December 31st, 2019. It is valid for all Flatline Map Apps that are available through the Avenza App until December 31st, 2020. The purchase price is $12.00 each and is good for the purchase of one app. You may buy multiple gift cards by changing the amount in the "quantity box". 


As an example, if you choose 2, the cost of the gift card will be $24.00 and good for 2 apps. If you choose 1, the cost of the gift card will be $12.00. Tax will be added to the cost of the gift card since this is only valid for the selection of an app.   


This gift card allows you to secure the discount price for an app, without having to choose the app at the purchase time. Once you make the purchase, an electronic gift card will be emailed to you within 24 hours. If you have any questions, please contact us a

App Gift Card

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